Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spaghetti Squash: Carb or Vegi?

Before cooked, the appearance is an oversized yellow oval egg shaped vegetable. That's a mouthful in itself.  But when it comes out of the oven, oddly enough, there is something entirely unexpected. The insides look, feel, and taste like discolored spaghetti. Maybe that isn't the most appealing description, but you won't get very far judging a book by its cover. So stop judging and take a fork to scrape out strands of this "vegetable spaghetti" until you have a plate of "pasta" in front of you. The traditional spaghetti, meatballs and tomato sauce is hard to beat, but try tossing these strands with feta, basil and olive oil for a healthier portion of your daily carbs. A serving of tasty pasta tends to incorporate a minimum of 500 carbs in your diet, whereas a bowl of this herbed spaghetti would be hard to get past 200! Makes you think twice now doesn't it. So before writing off this substitute for your most loved italian dish, give the sweeter ingredient a fair chance. The flavor is so subtle you can mix almost any flavor combination with it to fit your foodie needs-try pesto, mozzarella, pecorino, roasted peppers, you name it. And just think, the more you save on dinner, the more room you have for dessert :)

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